Saturday, October 21, 2006

About Me and Why I'm Here

I am the wife of an adoptee that has been in reunion for almost 3 years. We searched for his family for 7 years before finally finding them. The reunion has been great at times, not good and times, but definately no regrets. Through the search and the reunion, I have found that there are all kinds of support out there. But I really haven't been able to find many places for spouses of adoptees. I wanted to put up this blog to give spouses a place to go and share their feelings too.

Adoption touches so many people in so many different ways, and this is just my little corner of the world where I will have a place to share my feelings, and maybe find a few people that can relate to what I feel.

I'm also here to offer any support I can to spouses of adoptees going into reunion, because trust me, it will affect your life too!

So feel free to comment, let me know where you fit in the picture?

1 comment:

Dana said...

I just found your blog today through Thirdmom and wanted to comment.

My husband of nearly 10 years is a KAD (Korean Adoptee), and I relate to a lot of the things you posted about.

My husband's birth search only took a few weeks, and within a few months he flew to Korea to meet his birthmom. That was 3 years ago, and it has had a huge impact on our relationship.

There's a great post over at Harlow's Monkey about being married to an adoptee if you haven't seen it. My contact info is on that thread if you'd like to talk.